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Airs is the product that contains our home page, the description of services we provide to our customers, our blog, security advisories, the careers page, and is usually the first point of contact people have with our company.

Public Oath

The home page is


arch-light arch-dark
  1. Airs is a static site built with Tachyons, React, Gatsby, and TypeScript.
  2. It declares its own infrastructure using Terraform.
  3. It uses Markdown files to store its content.
  4. Sensitive secrets like Cloudflare authentication tokens are stored in encrypted YAML files using Mozilla SOPS.
  5. It uses Algolia to provide a search bar.
  6. It uses Cloudinary as main multimedia host.
  7. DNS records, cache, custom headers, redirections and firewall are managed by Cloudflare.
  8. The website is hosted on AWS S3.
  9. Ephemeral environments are deployed in<branch> so developers can check that everything works as expected before going to production.


Please read the contributing page first.

Development Environment

Configure your Development Environment.

When prompted for an AWS role, choose dev, and when prompted for a Development Environment, pick airs.

Local Environment

Run this command within the universe repository:

Terminal window
m . /airs/dev

This will launch a replica of on your localhost, which you can interactively develop and test.


You may need to configure the swap memory in your operative system so that the site runs perfectly without limiting a lot the resources of your device, using this Tutorial you can configure it, recommended 20 gb swap memory