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At Fluid Attacks we strongly believe in constantly reviewing the way we do things to make sure they are as smooth as possible.

Instead of adapting our processes to a given set of tools, we constantly seek for new solutions that improve the way we do things. It is because of this that we are always reviewing the hottest stack and comparing it against what we currently have.

Throughout the years we have found some properties we envision to have in our technological stack.

Open source by default

We strongly believe in open source as a powerful way of making the technology ecosystem evolve. It is thanks to open source projects that most modern solutions exist.

Open source projects also offer benefits like

  • transparency, as anyone can audit the source code;
  • flexibility, as most open source licenses allow repurposing the software;
  • the capacity of seamlessly working with those who make the solutions;
  • being usually free;
  • even many times being better than commercial competitors.

It is because all of these reasons that Fluid Attacks is open source by default. This means we make every product open source unless there is a valid reason to do otherwise. Such reasons are typically competitive advantage, sensitive information disclosure or architectural limitations.

Similarly, we also prefer using open source stack.

SaaS by default

We outsource as many services as possible in order to keep our operations simple. Tools that do not require infrastructure maintenance are usually preferred.

One clear example of this is the fact that since 2013 we do not have any on-premise servers. All our infrastructure exists on the cloud.

We also apply this approach on our own technology. Some of the main advantages of delivering our technology as services are

  • we can easily ship updates constantly using CI/CD;
  • users can focus on using the tool rather than maintaining it.

The simpler, the better

Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away.

—Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

We believe the best technological stacks are those that get things done in the simplest and less-blocking way possible.

We prefer asynchronous work and automation over having tons of meetings and blocking sequential steps. Taking this approach makes us heavily rely on CI/CD, but also allows us to have a deployment frequency of over 50 deployments to production every working day.

Deploy, deploy and deploy

Deployment frequency to production is the most important metric for us, as it allows us to know how often we’re adding value to our clients.

By having processes completely aligned with this metric, we ensure that developers are constantly shipping small changes to the environment where they will actually add value. That is production.

Constantly shipping small changes to production also offers other advantages like

  • changes are easy to understand and debug;
  • peer reviewing becomes simple and fun;
  • developers feel empowered as they see how their work has real impact;
  • reverting a bug or a failed deployment becomes much easier;
  • deploying is a lot less scary.

Test everything, fail, improve constantly

We think CI/CD is an integral component of the organization. Everything we do should be both tested and deployed by the CI/CD.

We also think of failure as the best way of finding what needs to be improved. This is why every time something fails, we look for ways of adding a new test to our CI/CD so it does not happen again.

This approach makes us have very big CI/CD pipelines and spend considerable amounts of time optimizing our CI/CD times and costs, but it also allows us to constantly improve our software, reduce risk without blocking deployments, and keep the knowledge we acquire throughout the path within the organization.

Everything as code

We want our monorepo to be the single source of truth for the organization. Not only functional source code should exist there, but also infrastructure, identity management and even secrets.

By making the repository the point where everything happens, we get benefits like

  • a single point of work for everyone;
  • complete traceability with git as any change must be made via a Merge Request;
  • having the capacity of testing anything using CI/CD;
  • complete reproducibility by constantly deploying changes using CI/CD.

Functional programming

We envision components with

  • over 90% of testing coverage;
  • state isolation for easier understanding;
  • high scalability;
  • as few bugs as possible.

This is why all our components are made using functional programming.

This is ensured by running strict CI/CD linters.

Static over dynamic typing

When building large scale software, implicit typing in programming languages tends to make source code harder to understand due to the complexity developers have to deal with.

We believe in static typing as it increases the clarity of the source code and allows CI/CD linters and compilers to point at those hard-to-catch errors that otherwise would be very hard to find.