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Core Library

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Latest version: 1.2.0

Importing types

from fluidattacks_core.{module}.types import (

where {module} is one of the following:

  • authz
  • testing

Publishing a new version

  1. Make any changes you want to the library.
  2. Run the Python linter:
    Terminal window
    m . /lintPython/dirOfModules/commonUtilsPypiFluidattackscore
  3. Upgrade the library version in pyproject.toml. Make sure to do this as it is required for your changes to be published.
  4. Push your changes using the common\ pipeline.
  5. Once you reach production, the new version of the library should become available.

Core: Testing


Standardize test fundamentals for current and new projects to any organization could be a hard task. Also, due to pytest’s flexibility, we encounter various solutions addressing the same problems and a harder test maintainability.

Using pytest, we find that developers tend to use numerous features (fixtures, patches, marks, etc.) without any standard, but pytest remains an exceptionally straightforward and robust tool.

For this reason, we decided to create a pytest wrapper that includes some presets and defines testing standards for us.


This library aims to provide a simple way to write unit and integration tests for Python products using boto3 and aioboto3 services mainly.

Philosophy of this package is to be simple and include the most common testing features in a standard way.


Terminal window
python -m fluidattacks_core.testing --help
: '
usage: fluidattacks_core.testing [-h] [--target [TARGET]] [--src [SRC]] [--test-folder [TEST_FOLDER]] [--scope SCOPE]
🏹 Python package for unit and integration testing through Fluid Attacks projects 🏹
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--target [TARGET] Folder to start the tests. Default is current folder.
--src [SRC] The source code for coverage report. Default is src.
--test-folder [TEST_FOLDER]
Folder with tests inside the target. Default is test.
--scope SCOPE Type and module to test.

target is the main folder where test and coverage folders will be resolved.

src is the folder where the source code is located (used for coverage analysis) and by default it is {target}/src.

test-folder is the folder where tests files live. Default is {target}/test.

scope, the only required argument, is the test folder to run from {test-folder}/unit/src.

An example of usage is:

Terminal window
python -m fluidattacks_core.testing --scope billing


You can use one or multiple tags for classifying the test methods, but tags are required:

from fluidattacks_core.testing import tag
def test_billing() -> None:
def test_auth() -> None:


  • Use two tags: one for the main context or module (api, resolvers, mutations, etc). and one for the file name that you are testing (to check by file faster).
  • Don’t use special pytest tags like slow, skip, only, xfail, etc. Errors cannot be ignored and skip, only or slow tags can be replaced using normal tags.

Also, you can add multiple inputs using @tag.parametrize() like in pytest.


Some fakers are available to generate stub data for tests:

  • fake_vulnerability().
  • fake_finding().
  • fake_group().
  • fake_stakeholder(email).

AWS Services Testing

DynamoDB resource is mocked via fixtures using moto:

from fluidattacks_core.testing import tag
def test_billing(dynamodb_resource: DynamoDBResource) -> None:
table = dynamodb_resource.Table("integrates_vms")

An example integrates_vms table is loaded on the resource creation, and it enables DynamoDB Streams as well. It can be used for your tests.

For a well implemented DynamoDB mocking, you need to mock the DynamoDB resource that the code is using. For example, if TABLE constant has the real DyanmoDB table, and it is defined on database.resource, you can do this:

import database.resource
from fluidattacks_core.testing import tag
from fluidattacks_core.testing.types import (
def test_billing(dynamodb_resource: DynamoDBResource) -> None:
table = dynamodb_resource.Table("integrates_vms")
value_mocking(database.resource, "TABLE", table)

With this, your application will use mocked DynamoDB service instead of asking for a real one. You can add the testing data after that using fakers.

AWS Async Services Testing


aioboto3 is slightly different from boto3 to test. Resource changes and every request must be awaited:

import database.resource
from fluidattacks_core.testing import tag
from fluidattacks_core.testing.types import (
from typing import Any
def test_billing(
async_dynamodb_resource: Any,
value_mocking: FunctionFixture[MockingValue]
) -> None:
table = await async_dynamodb_resource.Table("integrates_vms")
value_mocking(database.resource, "TABLE", table)
await table.put_item(Item=fake_vulnerability())

Note: It’s required to add a session-scoped event_loop fixture for running properly this mock. Include this snippet on your conftest file:

from fluidattacks_core.testing import injectable
import asyncio
from typing import (
def event_loop() -> Iterator:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
yield loop


Some utilities are available via dependency injection to test methods. Mocking is one of them, and it allows you to change the behavior and returns of any method or class in your code.

You get an excellent mocking if you use it in external dependencies only to ensure that the tests are isolated and don’t affect the real behavior of the code. Think that if you mock any function or value in the code, you could hide unexpected behaviors and errors.


You can mock functions using mocking:

from fluidattacks_core.testing import tag
from fluidattacks_core.testing.types import MockingFunction
import requests
def test_billing(mocking: MockingFunction) -> None:
mock_post = mocking(requests, "post", { "status_code": 200 })
call_list = mock_post.calls()
assert len(call_list) == 1

It changes the behavior of the post method from the requests module to return always { "status_code": 200 }. The mock_post object stores every call running the tests to the method for assertion purposes.

Check the .calls() method for more information.


Mock values using value_mocking:

import database.resource
from fluidattacks_core.testing import tag
from fluidattacks_core.testing.types import (
from typing import Any
def test_billing(
async_dynamodb_resource: Any,
value_mocking: FunctionFixture[MockingValue]
) -> None:
table = await async_dynamodb_resource.Table("integrates_vms")
value_mocking(database.resource, "TABLE", table)
# TABLE will act as table variable

More instructions coming soon…