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Commit Message


Valid commit messages have the structure:

[product/sub-product]\[type]([scope]/): #[issue-number] [title] // This is the commit title
// This blank line separates the commit title from the commit body
[body] // This is the commit body. It CAN have multiple lines
  • **[variable]** are required variables that must be replaced in a final commit message (**[]** symbols must be removed)
  • // Comment are comments that must be removed in a final commit message


The following rules must be met for a commit message to be valid:

  1. **[product/sub-product]** variable depends on the changes in your commit.

    The products are as follows:

    all // Multiple components. Triggers CI for all products.
    airs // Main Fluid Attacks website.
    common // Shared infrastructure resources and utilities across all components.
    converses // Fluid Attacks AI-based assistant.
    defines // Fluid Attacks Vulnerability Criteria.
    flags // CLI for runnning CSPM scanner.
    forces // Client-side DevSecOps agent.
    integrates // Fluid Attacks platform back-end.
    labels // SBOM library.
    melts // CLI for downloading client source code repositories.
    observes // ETL suites for data centralization and analytics.
    observes-code-etl // Source code extraction and processing.
    observes-gitlab-etl // GitLab data processing.
    observes-infra // Infrastructure-related ETL tasks.
    probes // CLI for runnning DAST scanner.
    spots // CLI for runnning SCA scanner.
    retrieves // VSCode plugin.
    skims // Automatic vulnerability scanner.
    skims-cspm // lib_cspm module and its tests.
    skims-sast // lib_sast module and its tests.
    skims-dast // lib_dast module and its tests.
    skims-sca // lib_sca module and its tests.
    skims-apk // lib_apk module and its tests.
    skims-ai // skims-ai CLI.
    sorts // Sort files in a Git repository by their probability of containing security vulnerabilities.
    views // Fluid Attacks platform front-end.

    By using a sub-product, you ensure the commit only triggers the pipeline for that specific area.

    If you are working on a file in the root of the repository, outside all of these folders, use common.

  2. **[type]** variable has to be one of the following:

    chore // Operational and maintenance tasks (including rotation)
    feat // New features and adding tests
    fix // Bug fixes (including reverts)
    refac // Internal code improvements without changing functionality (including style)
  3. **[scope]** variable has to be one of the following:

    front // Front-End change
    back // Back-End change
    infra // Infrastructure change
    build // Build system, CI, compilers, etc (scons, webpack...)
    cross // Mix of two or more scopes
    doc // Documentation only changes
  4. A Commit title must exist.

  5. A Commit title must not contain the ’:’ character.

  6. Commit title must have 60 characters or less.

  7. Commit title must be lower case.

  8. Commit title must not finish with a dot ’.’.

  9. Commit title must reference an issue.

  10. Commit title must be meaningful. Avoid using things like feat(build)[integrates]: #5 feature.

  11. A blank line between commit title and commit body must exist.

  12. A commit body must exist.

  13. Lines in commit body must have 72 characters or less.

Possible combinations

Below is a table explaining all the possible combinations between types and scopes for a commit message (Types are columns, scopes are rows):

frontPerform operational or maintenance tasks in the front-endAdd a new feature or tests to the front-endFix a bug, revert a change, or improve performance in the front-endImprove or modify front-end code
backPerform operational or maintenance tasks in the back-endAdd a new feature or tests to the back-endFix a bug, revert a change, or improve performance in the back-endImprove or modify back-end code
infraPerform operational or maintenance tasks in the infrastructureAdd a new feature or tests to the infrastructureFix a bug, revert a change, or improve performance in the infrastructureImprove or modify infrastructure configuration
buildPerform operational or maintenance tasks in building toolsAdd new feature to building tools, a new building tool or testsFix a bug, revert a change, or improve performance in the building toolsImprove or modify building tools
crossPerform operational or maintenance tasks across multiple system partsAdd a new feature or tests affecting multiple scopesFix a bug, revert a change, or improve performance affecting multiple scopesImprove or modify code across multiple scopes
docPerform operational or maintenance tasks in the documentationAdd new documentationFix a bug, revert a change, or improve performance in documentationImprove or modify the documentation


  • chore: maintenance tasks.
  • infra: infrastructure changes.
  • build: building tools.
  • cross: multiple scopes.
  • doc: documentation updates.
  • NA is not applicable.


  • Try to itemize your commit body:

    - Add feature X in file Y
    - Run script Z
    - Remove file A with B purpose


When your Merge Request is related to one area/issue that has an enumerable universe, i.e, we know with considerable certainty how many MRs are necessary to complete it, then you should use the following ETA model as a Merge Request message:

- Speed: A [parts] / B [time unit] = A/B [parts]/[time unit]
- TODO: C [parts]
- ETA: C / (A/B) = C/(A/B) [time unit]

**[parts]** should be replaced for the aspect that allows to quantify the progress of the area, which can be a number of issues, cases, files, tasks, etc.

**[time unit]** should be replaced for an appropriate unit of time that will be used to estimate an ETA, for example days or weeks.

**B** is the units of time that has passed since you started addressing the issues of the area, **A** is the total number of **[parts]** that have been submitted in such **B** time and **C** is the total number of **[parts]** that we know will resolve the issues of the area.

ETA Merge Request message example:

- Speed: 4 issues / 2 days = 2 issues/day
- TODO: 10 issues
- ETA: 10 / 2 = 5 days


Here is an example of a compliant commit message:

integrates\feat(build): #13 add type_check
- Add type_check function
- Remove unnecessary print_output function