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For context on what this product does what the main components are, and high-level external dependencies, see the Integrates page.

Threat Model


Integrates is intended to be run in the cloud on AWS EC2, behind Cloudflare, the AWS ELB, the AWS EKS Ingress Controller, and within the AWS VPC. The other components that Integrates uses can be accessed over the internet, but they require authentication. For instance, AWS Backup, AWS CloudWatch, AWS DynamoDB, AWS OpenSearch, AWS S3, Compute, and Secrets, can be accessed using AWS IAM prod_integrates. Cloudflare, can be accessed using Secrets.

CloudflareDomain Name, Firewall, CDN
AWS ELBLoad Balancer
AWS EKSK8s (Ingress Controller, Deployment Manager)
AWS EC2Physical Machine Instances
AWS CloudWatchLogs
AWS DynamoDBMain Database
AWS OpenSearchSearch Engine
AWS S3Cloud Blob Storage
AWS VPCVirtual Private Cloud and Networking
AWS BackupBackups
ComputeJob Queues and Schedules Manager
SecretsCredentials and secrets of other services
AWS IAM prod_integratesprod_integrates AWS IAM role

Entry Points

Entry points define the interfaces through which potential attackers can interact with the application or supply it with data.

IdentifierDescriptionTrust Levels
APIThe API is intended to be used by anyone, but some endpoints require an API token or an active sessionAnonymous, Authenticated
FrontThe FrontEnd is accessible by anyone, but some views require an active sessionAnonymous, Authenticated
RetrievesThe Visual Studio Code extension can be installed by anyone, but it requires an API tokenAnonymous, Authenticated
ForcesThe CI/CD agent can be ran by anyone, but it requires an API tokenAnonymous, Authenticated

Exit Points

Exit points might prove useful when attacking Integrates.

APIData and errors returned from the API


Something an attacker may be interested in:

IdentifierDescriptionTrust Levels
CloudflareDomain Name, Firewall, CDNAdmin
DataAWS Backup, AWS CloudWatch,AWS DynamoDB, AWS OpenSearch, AWS S3Authenticated, Admin
BackupsBackups of the previous assetsAdmin
SecretsCredentials and secrets of other servicesAdmin
AWS IAM prod_integratesprod_integrates IAM roleAdmin
AvailabilityIntegrates should be available all the timeAnonymous, Authenticated, Admin

Trust Levels

Access rights that the application recognizes on external entities:

AnonymousAny user on the internet
AuthenticatedAny user with either an API token or a valid session
AdminSome Integrates Developers or and instance of AWS IAM prod_integrates

Data Flow

  1. The Integrates API entry point is only accessible through the Cloudflare component.

  2. The Cloudflare component receives all traffic from users and acts as a firewall and CDN.

    It routes traffic directed to the Front to the corresponding Blob in the AWS S3 component, and routes traffic directed to the API to the Load Balancer in the AWS ELB component.

  3. The AWS ELB component routes traffic to any healthy instance in the AWS EC2 component.

  4. The AWS EC2 component routes the traffic to the container running the API HTTP server.

  5. The API HTTP server processes the request, and verifies the authentication and authorization of it, changing the trust level to Authenticated if legitimate, or keeping the trust level as Anonymous if the requested action does not require any access control. Otherwise, the request is rejected, and a response is sent back to the user.

  6. The API HTTP server fulfills the request by retrieving or updating the state in the corresponding Data assets, which are accessed using the Secrets component.

  7. Now and then, some Data assets are replicated by the Backups component.

Threat Categorization


  1. An attacker may want to impersonate our users.


    • We don’t store login credentials but instead use OAuth2, which means that the security of the login is delegated to the provider that the user chooses, or controlled by the organization the user works for.
    • Only OAuth2 accounts with a validated email address are allowed.
  2. An attacker may claim to be who they are not.


    • Unless a cross-site-request-forgery, side-channel attack, or a similar vulnerability exists, an attacker would not be able to impersonate other users.

      This is guaranteed because all users are given an authentication token after they authenticate successfully in the application, which contains (in encrypted form) the user’s identity.

  3. An Attacker may use an expired authentication token to gather information about the user.


    • The session token payload is encrypted.
  4. An attacker may use a left-over session of a user to impersonate that user.


    • There is a limit after which the user’s session expires.
    • No concurrent sessions are allowed
    • API tokens can be revoked.


  1. An attacker may tamper with an authentication token (session token or API token).


    • Authentication tokens use signed JWT (JSON Web Tokens), and the signature is validated by the server before trusting its contents.
  2. An attacker may submit invalid data to the API.


    • All input validation controls happen server-side.
    • The protocol we use for the API is GraphQL, which enforces basic types (boolean, integer, date, …) and structure on the incoming requests.
    • Some fields are added special validations using regular expressions, and so on.
    • Communication with the Database is done using the appropriate libraries for the task, which handle the specific Database language (escaping, data types, etc) correctly.
  3. Man in the Middle.


    • Only secure communication protocols are accepted by the API server.
    • The Strict-Transport-Security response header is set.
  4. An attacker may tamper with the data anyway.


    • We have backups for the most important tables in the Database.


  1. An attacker may repudiate who they are.


    • Requests to the API require an authentication token, which includes the user identity and can only be obtained by authenticating first. Therefore, there is a strong claim that the bearer of the authentication token is the identity it claims to be.
  2. An attacker may perform destructive actions anyway.


    • Logs are sent to AWS Cloudwatch identifying who did what and when.
    • In many cases, the “Historic State” is stored in the Database, allowing retrieval of every modification the data has had over time.

Information disclosure

  1. An attacker may use data from a breach.


    • Secrets are rotated every two weeks.
    • Information is encrypted at rest.
    • Secrets are stored in the database using proper cryptography mechanisms.
  2. An attacker may access the information they would normally not have access to.


    • Apart from the authentication system, the authorization system forbids access unless explicitly granted.

Denial of service

  1. Symmetric Denial of Service.


    • We use Cloudflare as a proxy, CDN, and firewall, and have configured a rate limit per IP.
  2. Asymmetric Denial of Service.


    • Pagination is implemented for all endpoints that can return high amounts of information.
    • The backend evaluates the depth and breadth of provided GraphQL queries and refuses to evaluate them if they are too deep or too wide.
    • Upon failure of some API server instances, Kubernetes can heal the cluster by spinning new instances.
    • Upon increased demand, Kubernetes can spin new instances up to a max capacity.
    • We use monitoring solutions to inspect in real-time the slow queries happening in the application, and proactively optimize them before an attacker can exploit them in practice.

Elevation of privilege

  1. An attacker may want to elevate their current role within the application.


    • The API functions in the source code are easy to annotate with a “decorator”, which is a small line of code that enforces the authorization automatically before executing any logic.
    • The access control of every role is centralized and as-code, and can only be changed by changing the source code and redeploying the application, so it’s easy to audit changes that are made to it.
    • Who has which role happens dynamically through being granted access by another higher-ranked role. Care is taken to avoid an elevation of privileges by computing permissions matrices, where it’s easy to see which role can do what.
    • We practice minimum privilege where it makes sense.

Lateral movement

  1. An attacker may use their current privileges in one system to gain access to another system.


    • The API server has different layers of access control, allowing a logical division of the data by customer.

Design Principles

Least Privilege

Integrates has many roles so that every identity can be granted one with the minimum amount of permissions.

Fail-Safe Defaults

The application denies access by default to all non-corporate emails.

Corporate emails can login but do not have access to anything unless someone else with the right privileges grants it.

Economy of Mechanism

Complete Mediation

Authentication tokens only carry the identity of the user, and authorization happens many times within one request every time a function is executed.

Open Design

  • Integrates is Free and Open Source Software, anyone can read its source code and understand the internals.
  • The technical and user documentation is also public.

Separation of Privilege

Roles are per user, group, and organization, allowing maximum segregation.

Least Common Mechanism

Almost all storage mechanisms are layered by organization, group, or user, and therefore locating them requires specifying this information, which creates a logical barrier.

Psychological Acceptability

  1. The platform lets users know that they should use a work email in order to get access.
  2. API technical errors are not displayed.