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SAST Module

SAST refers to “Static Application Security Testing”, and it is performed by searching for deterministic vulnerabilities in code files.

This module is divided in two: PATH and ROOT.


The methods in this library perform vulnerability analysis by parsing a file into iterable objects and performing search algorithms. This is specially useful in configuration files that do not use complex control structures or variable definitions.

Among the languages/extensions supported are:

  • Bash scripts
  • Dockerfiles
  • Config files such as .xml, .jmx, .config, .properties

The following two-step procedure is used:

  1. Parse the file using external libraries, regex or other methods. For example, the BeautifulSoup library is used to parse HTML files.
  2. Search vulnerabilities looking for miss configured values or properties in the parsed file.

When developing new methods, it is recommended that the skims’ developer checks for existing helper functions and methodologies already used.

For most methods, the vulnerability search consists of searching special keys and comparing the set values to any possible vulnerable configuration.


The methods in this library use graph algorithms to search vulnerabilities in code or configuration files written in the following languages:

  • C#
  • Dart
  • Go
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Kotlin
  • PHP
  • Python
  • TypeScript
  • HCL (Terraform files)
  • YAML and JSON (Configuration files)

The following procedure is used:

  1. Parse the file into a graph object using the tree-sitter libraries
  2. Optimize the original graph to extract only relevant information
  3. Search vulnerabilities by traversing the optimized graph
  4. Generate the vulnerabilities report with each location

The following sections explain in more detail this process.

1. Code parsing (AST graph)

First, the code file is parsed and converted into a graph object, called the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree).

This process is made using the OS libraries recommended by tree-sitter

In order to support a new language, the tree sitter library repository must be included in the code dependencies. You can follow this commit as reference of the adjustments that have to be made.

The graph object is made up of interconnected nodes that represent each declaration of the code. Each of these nodes is identified with a unique ID and other attributes.

Although, a skims’ developer does not need to know the intricacies of the underlying parsing libraries, there is a very important part of each library’s code that should always be verified for the next step. This file contains the parser’s rules and relationships between the nodes, they are usually stored in a JSON object usually called “node-types”, included in the library source code. For instance, JavaScript grammar can be found in this file

This file lists all the node types included in the language, and it includes all the possible attributes and children nodes of each type. This information is crucial for the next step.

For example, a function declaration is parsed as a node with a label_type of “method_declaration”. This node is connected to several children, for example a node for its arguments list, another one for the execution block and any modifiers or annotations that are unique to each language. The node can also include attributes that reference some of its children, in order to make the relationship clearer and make it easier to traverse the graph.

The AST graphs are generally very good representations of the code, however, we have found that they have major problems:

  • They do not implicitly represent the execution flow of the code, that is, they do not include all the possible paths that can be taken to reach every code statement within a file.
  • The node label types change between languages, which makes it harder to program methods to search vulnerabilities. For example, in java, a function invocation node is identified as method_invocation, whereas in JavaScript, they are identified as call_expression.
  • The nodes in the AST usually contain a lot of unnecessary information, such as child nodes for code syntax symbols, such as ;[] and others, which makes search algorithms computationally more expensive and inefficient.

In order to solve these deficiencies, the AST graph goes through a re-parsing in the following step.

2. Graph optimization

The AST graph is converted into an optimized graph called the syntax graph.

As mentioned above, the purpose of this step is two-fold:

  • Reduce the complexity and size of the parsed code.
  • Generate a standard graph, using common terminology to represent coding concepts that are similar between languages.

This is done by running the AST through a recursive algorithm and then generating additional connections between nodes in order to accurately represent the execution flow of the code.

These connections or edges, as they are called, are an important tool in order to search complex vulnerabilities that depend on many conditions in the code while ensuring that no false positives are reported.

Each step is explained in more detail in the following subsections.

2.1 Syntax graph

The syntax graph is created by filtering only the relevant information (nodes) of the AST graph, and converting each node type label into the relevant concept that it represents.

  1. Starting at the root node of the AST, a general function (called generic) is in charge of dispatching the node to a relevant reader function, which depends on the language and label type of the node.
  2. This reader function extracts only the relevant information needed of the node and its important children. All this information is then sent to a function called a builder which depends only on the type of the node (The concept that it represents, e.g. A method declaration) and is common between all languages.
  3. The builder function, as the name implies, creates the node for the syntax graph and adds all of its relevant characteristics. It also generates the recursion algorithm, by calling the initial generic function for each of the children nodes.
  4. This process runs until all the nodes of the AST graph have been traversed.

After all the nodes have been parsed, the syntax graph goes through another process that generates the control flow connections between the major declaration nodes.

When making adjustments or adding functionalities to this module, the node_types file (Mentioned in the first step) from the parser library of each language must always be verified, to ensure the code is covering all the possible cases from the language and to avoid any code execution errors on client files.

2.2 Syntax CFG

In order to be able to identify vulnerabilities in code that depend on several conditions, it is crucial to generate connections between the nodes of the graph that represent the execution order of the code.

This is why the syntax graph goes through this step, called the syntax CFG, which stands for control flow graph.

Simply explained, and as the name implies, this step is what generates the CFG edges of the graph, which connect major nodes that are related to code execution and scope.

The following procedure is used:

  1. As before, a recursive function, called generic dispatches each node of the graph and, depending on its type, it calls a dispatcher function
  2. This dispatcher function is in charge of adding the edges to the relevant nodes that follow in the code execution order. This is done by adding a “CFG” label to the edge connecting the nodes.

To best understand this process, run a simple code in the language of your preference. For example, use the following JS code:

let my_var1 = 2;
let my_var2 = 3;
sum_vars(my_var1, my_var2);

Using this snippet, you can see what types of nodes are created when you declare a variable and invoke a method.

More importantly, from this example you can see how the CFG edges are added to represent the flow of the code. That is, how the my_var1 is connected to my_var2 and this in turn is finally connected to the sum_vars method invocation.

After that, you can try to add control structures like conditionals, loops, or switch statements to see how the nodes are connected by different paths of execution. For example:

let my_var1;
if (some_var == 2) {
my_var1 = 3;
} else {
my_var1 = 4;
let my_var2 = my_var1 + 10;

In the previous snippet, the variable my_var2 can be reached by two different paths of execution (One when the if condition is true, and another when it is false). This generates two paths by connecting the my_var2 node with each block of the conditional statement.

Before moving on to develop any methods using the syntax graph (Specially methods that use the symbolic evaluation), it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the node types and the concept of the CFG edges, to see how each part of the code is parsed and be able to debug the entire process in case any errors arise.

The last step of the process is programming the methods that search for vulnerabilities in the code, which is generally made by filtering and searching the syntax graph for vulnerable declarations or invocations.

This last step can be classified according to two basic types of vulnerabilities.

3.1 Direct vulnerabilities

When a vulnerability is a direct consequence of an unsafe object or function, all the logic is stored in the root module.

This logic uses the syntax graph to filter a certain type of node and search for the vulnerable name or symbol that identifies the vulnerability.

See the following pseudocode example:

let vuln_var = new danger_object();

In this case, the vulnerability can be detected by filtering the syntax graph and searching for any declarations of the danger_object.

Before moving on to the next type of vulnerabilities, it is recommended that you try to understand and debug one of several methods in root that only use the syntax graph to search for direct vulnerabilities.

3.2 Compound Vulnerabilities

Some vulnerabilities cannot be checked directly by only filtering a certain dangerous declaration, because they depend on one or several additional conditions that have to be met simultaneously.

See the following pseudocode example:

let dangerous_var = "danger";
let vuln_method = potential_danger("danger");
let vuln_method1 = potential_danger(dangerous_var);
let safe_method = potential_danger("safe_var");

In this case, the method called potential_danger is only a vulnerability when the parameter danger is used.

In order for the method to deliver value to the clients, it needs to be able to distinguish that the third invocation of the method is safe, and to report both of the first two occurrences of the vulnerability.

This is the purpose of the symbolic evaluation algorithm.

3.3 Symbolic Evaluation

This is a semi-recursive algorithm that follows the following procedure:

  1. As with direct vulnerabilities, in the root module, the node that could potentially generate the vulnerability is searched by filtering the syntax graph.

  2. After the potential danger has been found, the node that may generate the danger is then filtered (In the example above, it was the parameter of the potential_danger method invocation)

  3. Using this node and the CFG edges of the graph, all the paths in the execution order of the code are generated. Each path is simply a list of all the nodes that have to be executed for the code to reach the analyzed node.

  4. The node and its execution paths are sent to the general generic dispatcher function in the symbolic evaluation module.

  5. Depending on the label_type of the node, the dispatchers calls a evaluator function and sends the node and all the arguments of the evaluation.

  6. Each node type has its own evaluator function that searches and propagates the algorithm to other nodes that are somehow related to it.

    For example, the SymbolLookup node type evaluator searches in the graph for where that symbol is defined or used. If this search finds any nodes, the evaluator then propagates the algorithm by calling the generic function again with each of the found nodes as parameters.

    Another example, a VariableDeclaration node type evaluator simply forks the algorithm to the generic function to the value node of the variable.

  7. This process is repeated until it reaches a node type in which the evaluator has its own specific evaluator condition for the method that is being searched.

    Depending on what the vulnerability is, each method can have one or several specific evaluator conditions, which finally check if the node is dangerous according to the vulnerability requirements.

    (In the example above, there would be a specific evaluator for the node type “Literal” which would check if the value of the node is equal to “danger”)

    If so, this specific evaluator functions mark the node as dangerous.

  8. The algorithm finishes once all possible paths have been evaluated using this same process, and returns two values:

    • A boolean value called danger.
    • A set of string values called the triggers (Maybe empty when not needed)
  9. If the algorithm returns the boolean value danger as true, the vulnerability is marked.

Before moving on to understanding and using the triggers, it is recommended that you understand methods that only use the danger value to evaluate a vulnerability.

Sometimes, a boolean value is not enough to check for a vulnerability, because it requires several conditions to be met at the same time.

See the following pseudocode example:

let dangerous_var = "danger";
let transformed_val = danger_transformation(dangerous_var);
let vulnerability = potential_danger(transformed_val);
let safe_method = potential_danger(dangerous_var);

In this case, the danger variable, needs to go through a danger_transformation method before being used in the potential_danger to cause a true vulnerability.

Ensuring this double condition would not be possible only with the use of a boolean value. This is the main use of the triggers.

The symbolic evaluation works the same way as explained above, only this time, at the specific evaluator for the method, a value would get added to the triggers to represent the additional vulnerable condition.

It is recommended that you use the triggers object only when you fully understand its implications and use cases. As guidelines, try to debug one of several existing methods that use them.


To see the parsed graphs (Both the AST and the syntax graph), you must add the key debug: true in your configuration yaml file

See the following configuration file example:

debug: true
- F001
namespace: universe
file_path: skims/test/outputs/test.csv
format: CSV
- skims/test/data/lib_root/f001/

This will generate the two SVG files in the ~.skims folder of your home directory.

You can run the debugger of your IDE in order to see how each step is executed. The generic function found in each module is the origin point of each step of the algorithm, so it is the most helpful to follow.